Monday, May 12, 2014

A Heart, A Lock, and A Key

There was this odd feeling inside my stomach. I had felt it before but I never could figure out why it made me feel this way. This feeling was like adrenalin; it made my heart beat faster, my breath quicken. My muscles would tense and relax at the same time. This feeling made me sad an indescribably happy, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t understand the meaning of this feeling.

It’s been happening more frequent in the past year. I want to start laughing for no reason; jump to the clouds and back. I feel like I could walk on water. This feeling was more intoxicating than that of alcohol. I felt an ethereal, evanescent, euphoria rush into my body; this feeling is what beauty and aesthetics looked like. It made me feel dizzy and sick, and I wanted it to detach itself from me, but if it turned its back I held an outstretched hand towards it again, begging for its bitter-sweet return.

Anytime I tried explaining this feeling to my best friend, Miles, the words came out in a twisted knot of a fiasco - and he would laugh. Who wouldn’t? Miles was one of those friends you could always depend on. He was down to earth and never socially awkward. Everyone liked Miles, and that made me jealous sometimes, but I never said anything to him about it. I wasn’t going to bother him something so disposable. After all, he was just my friend. Much to my dismay, I put up with the fact that I was going to have to share.


I looked out the smudged window of the classroom. I often looked outside for inspiration when I didn’t know what to write for English. The grass was mixed with brown and green blades, the way it is between winter and spring after the snow melts. Further out in the schoolyard were a few trees. They still slept and showed no signs of budding. The trees always looked out of place this time of year because they had no leaves, but in the same way they fit into the sad, cold, wet, awkward time frame sitting among that named “spring.” Past the trees there sat a river. It reflected the depressing, gray sky; there was no sun to make the smooth surface of the water glimmer with life. Instead, it was stark and boring, moving without energy.

The bell rang and snapped me out of my daze. I shook away the bland thoughts of the rainy day and picked up my books. A wave of noise hit me as I entered the hallway, as it does every time. I picked up conversations here and there: “What are you doing this weekend” and “I’m so tired,” were among the most common. I got to my locker and input the combination like a drone. I always thought memorizing simple things like this was a waste of space in people’s minds. I kept only a select few of these things in my memory because they held more importance to me than the rest. Miles’ birthday for one was engraved into my mind. When I thought about it, a lot of the things I see as useless bit of information I made an exception with Miles. I knew his favorite color, music, and food. All of these things I would have thrown out with anybody else. I chalked it up to him being my best friend.

My next class was band, although I never thought of band as a “class.” Describing something using the word class meant that it was chore to participate in. Band to me, was a sanctuary. Playing an instrument was beyond reality. It tore me from life as I knew it to a place of quiet serenity, but this serenity knew no tacit. It knew splashes of warm red and yellow to ripples of cool blue and green. The brass would sing exaltations and fanfares, while the woodwinds flew through concertos. It was only in band that I could truly express myself. I was always disappointed when I would have to jump down from my cloud back to reality-back to life.
I got home and went straight to my room as I always did. The sunset’s red and pink hues flooded my room. The window called to me so I lay down on my bed and drifted asleep, the warmth of the sun cascading over me.


blur of noise and color invaded my mind. I was in a car and Miles was driving. I thought for a moment and realized Miles didn't have his driver's license. Things weren't adding up. Another motioned blur washed my vision and I was in school. Miles had gone missing. I looked around the school and saw people that wouldn't normally be there such as my late grandmother and old friends that moved away. I knew then, that I was dreaming.

I took a few steps forward and found myself in the band room. Miles was the only one there. He sat at the piano. He was playing but stopped to look at me. Without a word he walked to the outside exit. I followed him but as I stepped out the door, a white mist enveloped me. It evolved to a bluish luminescent glow.

My eyes staggered open as streaks of weak light crawled through my blind; a white light. I looked outside and saw the gem in the sky people call the moon. I checked my cell phone and read 3:35. There was no way I was getting back to sleep.

It made me wonder through. Why would I have a dream like that about Miles? Sure he’s been in my dreams before but nothing this strange has ever happened. I tossed and turned for the remainder of the night.

My eyes shot open. That feeling came back. This time I was in my room, alone. So what was to account for it? The last thing I remembered was my dream about Miles. There couldn’t have been some kind of connection-could there? This was starting to make mt head spin. I wanted to lay back down and smother my thoughts with my pillow, but I couldn’t do that because I had to get ready for school. Sometimes I wished I could smother the school instead...

I walked through the school with seemingly no pursose. I blocked everything out. It was nice to have this tired shell. Miles waved to me from further down the hallway. It took me a moment to realize what was happening. I waved back and smiled. I didn’t even know I was smiling until Miles gave me an awkward glance. It seemed to me that Miles could always make me smile. I could do so little as to walk next to him and be instantly cheered up. There were times where we would be walking in complete silence, and I would start laughing. The laughing became contagious and he would always inquire as to why it started. But my response was always the same. I just didn’t know.


The bell rung and a deluge of students poured from the classrooms. It was time for lunch. The only time I saw a spark of life in the hall was when there was a fight, or there was food.

The smell of greasy pizza and cheeseburgers assaulted my nose. I used every ounce of willpower within me not to vomit. The school’s food was always of the lowest quality that it could be to pass as edible. The only reason teens like myself rushed to eat these questionable mounds of slop was because the vast majority of us didn’t have breakfast. This, being our first meal, naturally we acted as birds of prey. Although, to call this excuse for food a “meal” was an excruciating glamorization. As if it wasn’t enough that the food smelled rancid, the portion sizes of these processed lunches were something to weep for. The school gave the least amount of food they could. The portions were so small, it bordered on the line the government sought to believe as “adequate enough as to prevent starvation” Me? I’m not one for the greasy, meaty foods. I’m a vegetarian and thus ordered my salad with a side of light ranch and looked for Miles.

He sat at an old picnic table in the back of the school yard. The cherry trees had just begun to sprout leaves on the very tips of their limbs. Their lanky, feeble claws reached for the sky, for the hospitality of the sun, for a purpose, only for naught.

I sat next to him and he smiled at me; a smile similar to that of Japanese anime. For the first time my uncontrollable subconscious  decided it would be a good idea to stare blatantly at his face. He had a soft face with high cheek bones that made his smile even wider. His smile itself was perfectly in line and pristine. His jaw was edgy and aerodynamic, but not intimidating. My gaze floated upward to his nose. The awkward protrusion on the face was far from an audacity on his. It was small and uniform to the rest of his face. Then my eyes made contact with his. The ocean blue color of his iris was hypnotizing. Anybody could drown in those eyes, and I don’t think they’d mind.

At this time his head was cocked to the left and his right brow raised. I shook myself awake with a sigh. He dismissed this unusual occurrence with a shrug. He always did. When someone would have asked questions, he chose not to waste his time nor give my mind peace.

We talked for a while, about how school was going, our families and what not. All the while I only took two bites of my salad. I didn’t even like salad anyway. I was lost in our conversation. I cared not for the instinct to quell my hunger.

The warning bell rang for the kids in the schoolyard to get back to the cafeteria. Miles stood up to take his tray and patted my shoulder. Time seemed to halt at this moment. The camera of reality took a photo. A tingling sensation sprinted through my body, originating at my shoulder. These sensations made me want to pull away and linger in that split second for eternity. It made my hair stand on end.

Unfortunately this moment’s length was that equivalent to staccato. As he walked away, I studied him with just a glimpse. He was athletic and fit. He was thin, but had broad shoulders. His dark hair was short in the back, parted to the right, and hung slightly over his eyes. He stood about six feet high, an inch or so taller than me.


Sitting on the bus, I looked out the window, the meek sparks of sunshine leaping through the clouds and leaves when they had a chance. The clouds were a mixture between a dense, fluffy white and a thin, watery gray. The houses sat in dappled shadows, yearning for the winter weather to finally recede.

The bus drove up to my house and I stepped out. My house stood in front of me, looming as if something ominous were to happen. I walked into the kitchen and looked through the pantry for a snack. I decided to take a few plantain chips - something healthy.

As I made my way up the stairs to my room, my cat slithered out of the doorway. Anytime she heard me coming down the hallway, she thought it an immoral sin to be in my bedroom and thus, made her flight.
When I entered my room I collapsed on my bed. Yet again, Miles sneaked  into my thoughts. This got me thinking about my dream and what it meant. Hoping to have a reoccurring dream, I lay my head down on the plush pillow and waited for the comfortable darkness of sleep to wave its hand over my eyes.


I breathed heavily and felt hot sweat on my forehead. I was in the band room at school. I got off the hot floor and looked around to find the back door open. A thin mist was filling the room and I could feel tiny drops of cool water against my face. I headed towards the door to find what was making the mist, but the room kept filling up and I couldn’t see. Peering through, (what now was a dense cloud) I saw a figure not too far from me. As I got closer, I saw their out-stretched hand.

Take my hand,” they whispered. I reached for it and as soon as I was to grasp it, an alarm sounded. It made me recoil and look around. I looked for their hand again, but it was missing. My vision blurred and reality struck its bell with a silent forte that seemed to overwhelm my entire being.
The persistent, nagging alarm on my cell phone rang in my hand. I chucked it across the room in a drowsy rage. I was closer that time; sort of the same dream. I grudgingly got out of bed and picked up the pieces of my phone. Thankfully, only the battery had popped out.

I got ready for school, anxious to find some answers, or at least another clue. It was like a newborn motivation. Today, it felt like the sun had more energy to give the world. I let it soak into my black t-shirt, welcoming its long awaited return. I could feel the warmth crawling into my skin. I breathed in the scents of the dawn-light dew. It was rejuvenating and seemed to pulse through my blood stream.

My body itched as I walked into the school. It urged me to find something with some connection to last night’s dream. I hurried to the band room and a replay of my dream flashed through my thoughts. I felt the floor; it was cool to the touch. Walking around the room, I tried to place myself where the dream started. I stood in the general area where I saw the hand. The only instrument in the area was a piano…my first dream had Miles sitting at the piano and then he went out the back door. Was the hand in my dream his hand? Why would he want me to take his hand?

All at once that feeling ran me over; not in the usual wave either. It was as if an eighteen-wheeler truck of emotion plowed into me. I took a sharp breath and pursed my lips to cope with the hurt. In a split second happiness hit me like a water balloon to the back of the head; a large splash at first, then it dripped to separate parts of my body. My fingers tingled and chills ran down my spine.

A hand on my shoulder jerked my thoughts away with a caesura. I turned 
and saw Miles with a worried expression upon his face. I sat on the floor out of shock and put my hands down the support me. I expected a hollow cold but instead, there was radiant warmth like that in my dream. The sun was stretching through the window, to the floor. I held my head in shame for letting Miles find me like that. When his hand touched my shoulder, it was like a surge of electricity and the following black out that always trails behind.

Hey,” he said getting my attention. My gaze drifted into the pure blue sapphires they held for eyes. They were a perfect cut with a glimmering resilience. The natural light of the sun pierced through them like a prism.

Get off the ground. Come on, take my hand.” I repeated those last words under my breath as I let my limp body be effortlessly dragged to its feet. It was far too much of a coincidence for him to say that.

I was wondering if you could cover tomorrow. We haven’t hung out in forever.” I just nodded my head. Too many things were being filed in my mind at that moment to speak. I hoped to find more answers at his house.

When I arrived at my house that night, I told my mother that I was going to Mile’s house that weekend. I received no response as expected. My tired, aching limbs managed to cart the rest of my body up the stairs to my room. I slung my shoes off and my feet throbbed. My neck was stiff and my mind, fatigued. It was about time I had a dream.


It was dark, and cold. I couldn’t see a single thing. I wanted to run, but to where? It was a futile plight. I heard running water in the distance. It was like a leaking faucet; dripping one drop of water at a time. Every time it hit the surface of the darkness, an echo would bounce off the interior of my skull. The dripping started getting faster, coming from more than one source. I was getting soaked and the dripping was making me crazy. I saw the hand again. It was the same one as before. I could barely make out the smooth contour of the fingers though all the water. I reached out to grab it. I needed the comfort.

You hold a special place in my heart,” it said. “Take my hand.” Their whisper drowned out everything else. My fingertips touched theirs and at an instant the ground gave out. It shattered like glass, filling my head with this noise. An unbearable, sickening noise.

I fell through the darkness. I reached for the hand but it disappeared. I was going faster; increasing speed. The adrenaline in my body was rising. Then I hit the ground and shook awake. That wasn’t a dream. That was a nightmare, and if it followed suit, what would that mean for me in reality?
I was shaken. I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to breathe. It felt like I hadn’t slept at all. With the little bit of energy that was left in my body-that wasn’t being converted into anxiety, I got up and looked in the mirror. I was bewildered. I eyes were blood shot. The rest of my face had this droopy alertness to it; the feel of fear.

Now I was lost. That dream was so nice before all stability broke. I thought of a couple hypothesis but only one of them made the most sense: If the hand in my dream belonged to Miles, and if I touched it again, would something bad happen? My other dream came true to some degree, so what right did I have to not expect this one as well?

I didn’t want to touch Miles, or anybody else for that matter for the fear of my feet giving way beneath me. I would be going to Miles’ house later that same day. I dreaded every second thereafter my epiphany.


At school I was inattentive in my classes. If the teachers called on me I jumped and had no confidence in my voice. People started looking at me as if I had paranoia. Class let out and I hurried to the door. I was headed to my locker and Miles walked up to me in the hall and touched my shoulder. I almost screamed. The same feeling of adrenaline and relief as before, I thought to myself. I flinched and he shot me a worried glance.

Are we still on for today? You look like something’s wrong,” he said with a pure voice. I shook my head.

I’m…just a bit tired is all,” I managed to squeak out and trailed off. He flashed one of those perfect smiles my way and walked to his next class. That smile put me at ease a bit and helped me get through the day.

As time melted through the essence of reality, I dreaded going to Miles’ house more and more with every passing moment. There was no way I was going to let him down though. There was this new feeling inside me now. I was scared and anxious. This feeling flitted about my insides making me feel awkward. It pulled me back and pushed me on wards like a tug of war. With every breath it intensified and hurt, but without knowing the direction it was taking me, I kept breathing to figure out its cause. My confusion was turning me into a masochist of emotions just to find some answers.

I walked up to his doorstep with my overnight bag in hand. The ice cold Sword of Judgment seemed to fall from the just heavens above me, telling me to accept whatever fate was in store for me. With each step I felt the earth crumbling away from my feet. I rang the doorbell and a boat dropped anchor in my stomach.

Miles’ mom greeted me. She had the same oceanic blue eyes as her son, but this pair didn’t seem to take effect on me. He was in the kitchen making a smoothie. I zoned out on the blender and the motorized buzzing rattled my brain. A pair of snapped fingers brought me back. I sometimes wondered if I thought too much or if there was something wrong with me. He walked down the hallway to his room and motioned for me to follow.

I sat at the foot of his bed and he lay on his stomach with knees bent; feet in the air. He rested his chin on his hands; propped up to support his head. He grabbed the remote and turned on the television.

Hey, we have this romance movie. Want to watch it and make fun of it?” he asked. I nodded my silent response and he pressed play.

The movie wasn’t as cheesy as I thought it was going to be. The plot was simple enough though; man and woman have child, child dies and they both use their love to support each other through their loss.

The guy, at one point, was trying to cheer his wife up and said, “You hold a special place in my heart.” Fear slapped my spine straight. That was the line from my dream - my nightmare. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen now. Without thought, my mouth pushed out the words, 
“Do I hold a special place in your heart Miles?” I had officially lost all control of my subconscious it seemed. Without hesitation, he answered.

Of course you do. You hold a special place in my heart because of our connection to music, and, well…” At first I thought he was joking around to the movie, but I turned to him and his eyes met mine, dead on. The cerulean blue of his eyes had a golden amber ring around the pupils. It was the ominous ring encircling the moon during a solar eclipse; or perhaps it was his inner halo.

I waited for the impending rapture that was sure to come and stared into those eyes for curiosity and comfort, but nothing happened. There was no dripping water or shattered ground. Just still, silent time, clicking by. This time Miles didn’t ask why I was starring at him. He stared back with the same vehement.

At that very moment the feeling of sheer joy and feeling of judgment pulsed under my skin. They mixed together to form this sensation of concentrated conviction. Although the happiness and fear were still present, I still felt safe. I didn’t care that I still didn’t know why I was having this feeling. I embraced it with all my willpower and a rush of relief closely followed.
Tears began to roll down my face like drops of mercury. He reached out to wipe them away. Every time the side of his hand grazed my cheek I was shot with an arrow of comfort and tranquility. I moved closer to him and he hugged me. All of the pain burst from my heart and soul then.

I…had so much hurt,” I sobbed and clenched the back of his shirt with white knuckles. “And…all I did was…c-cover it up. I was blocking it out. I-” He stopped me by placing a gentle finger on my lips. He leaned closer and closed his eyes which were my paradise; my refuge.

Kiss me,” he said. I hesitated and asked myself if all of this was real. He put his hands on the sides of my face and pulled me in. When our lips touched, my heart sang fireworks. His lips were curvy and soft. He may have been smiling through our lips. When people say there is no such thing as perfection, that’s because they don’t know the true essence of what it entails. Perfection is an emotion, which can only be felt once. It is a feeling of no flaw and it will take you to an alternate dimension, for just a moment.

I felt perfection when I kissed Miles.


I awoke feeling Miles’ arms around me like my vanguard. They were wrapped around my chest like suspenders. I felt so safe and at peace. There was no other feeling of satisfaction that could compare to waking up in his arms. I lay there for a while, letting everything sink in. There I was, being loved for who I was, for the first time. I was feeling my emotions again instead of putting up my usual façade. He sighed after sometime and I knew he was awake. With every breath of his I was reassured that I could let my emotions flow freely and trust once more. I turned around to face his paragon eyes. They sparkled with a new fire this morning. There was determination in his eyes, determination to make me happy.

After staying in bed for an hour, enjoying each other’s company, Miles got up and packed my bag for me. I held his free hand in both of mine. There was this new aura about him that made him more confident. Perhaps it was because he had something to fight for now. We walked into the kitchen and Miles made me breakfast: pancakes and eggs with oranges. We spent the morning together at the park. We sat next to the pond and it seemed to smile at us. The air was warm, and everything was quiet. We looked to the sky and dark clouds began to roll in. Miles decided it would be good to get me home while the rain held off.

We walked back to his house, hand in hand. There wasn’t a thing in the world that could get me down. As long as I had Miles, everything would be all right. He handed me my bag at the door and we stared at one another for a brief moment.

Just tell me if you ever need anything.” He gave my hand a peck and we said good-bye. I couldn’t stop thinking about him or the previous night. My lips could still feel the tingling chill from his kiss. If personalities had tastes, his was delicious.

The dark gray clouds loomed in the sky as I tread to my house. A bass drum of thunder sounded above me while the sidewalk gained small, wet polka dots. The rain started crashing down in sheets and I stood there, letting it wash away the final bit of fear and hurt from my body. When I arrived at my house I was drenched. I proceeded to bathroom. My parents gave me an awkward look as I passed them I looked in the in the mirror and saw this spark; a life in my eyes I forgot existed. For once, my eyes had a turn to be gems.

That day was the beginning of something I needed. I had gone for such a long period of time relying on just myself, and when I needed somebody else and there was nobody there, I turned into a husk of emptiness. Now I had somebody to support me, to pick me up when I fell down. I had something to fight for and fight for me. Miles helped me tear down my wall and see what was on the other side.


Within the next few days Miles took his driver’s test and passed. He called me when it happened and set up a day to go to the movies together. We decided on Thursday. I counted the seconds until we were able to see each other again.

Miles pulled up in a dark blue Charger. It was only visible because of the streetlights. The night was darker than the abyss of the ocean trench. The clouds covered the glow of the moon and headlights solely granted sight. The day Miles and I kissed brought rain, and this rain seemed everlasting. I ran from my house to the car. I didn’t actually care if I got wet or not, but I didn’t want to ruin his new car. He held my left hand in his right as he drove. The rain kept pounding down. The windshield wipers were almost of no use. There was a split second of sight and water would glide across the glass again.

I got this very bad feeling all of a sudden. Everything was dark; there was water, dripping. I was holding Miles’ hand. It was almost as if I was having déjà vu. Miles hit the brakes hard when we came to an intersection. It all added up to me then. The pedal stuck, and a car from the driver’s side struck the front half of the car. I remember the car spinning, the screeching tear of metal, and car horns blazing, but it was all in slow motion. I looked over to miles for a split second and saw the awestruck fear grip his body. His scream of pure despair shot through the wind like a bullet above everything else and scarred my memory.

We smashed into a telephone pole and finally came to a stop. Once I found myself I stepped out of the car in a daze. Cars were stuck in traffic; shattered glass lay on the road. I staggered to the driver’s seat and my body fell into shock.

Where the door was hit, it ripped, and cut into Miles at his torso. Blood stained the entire lower half of his body. I struggled to get the car door open but to no avail. I hit the car with open palms and fell to the ground. I screamed louder than I have in my entire life, but there couldn't have been a soul that actually heard it. Glass found its way into my hands but I didn’t care. I fell back into my shell as I heard the siren to the ambulance getting closer and closer, but I knew it was too late. They pulled me away from the car, and Miles, to tend to my wounds. They started asking me questions but all I could do is shake my head in disbelief. My eyes undressed in liquid serenades when I saw his body getting dragged from the wrecked car. That’s when I blacked out.

He was pronounced dead at the scene. How could I have let myself trust someone with all of my heart for it to be crushed? I stopped talking for the next two months after the incident. I said nothing at his funeral. He was the only one that knew my pain and how I felt. I wanted to keep it that way because our bond of ours was too special for me to share with anyone else.

My parents struggled to get me to interact with them. They would ask me about the accident but I just shook my head as images of the scene flashed from my mind and a growing look of horror emerged on my face. They didn’t know what else to do so they eventually sent me to a mental hospital to recover from the shock. I know they didn’t want to get rid of me; they just couldn’t help me in any other way.

The hospital let me write about what happened as a healing process. They made me remember the good times with Miles, although I never forgot a single thing. You remember everything that happens in accidents like that: every sound, and every image.

My name is Landen Pierce, and today I get set free. I turn this page in my life to try to start again. I know that’s the way Miles would have wanted it.


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